In this edition I have the pleasure of introducing two friends of mine, Jasmin Salhi and Linda Erlandsson, who run “Pilates Complete” in Gothenburg, Sweden. STOTT Pilates trained and the best of friends, they inspire to find innovative ways to offer the complete Pilates experience.

For example, in the summer time they move their mat and reformer equipment outdoors to their beautiful terrace and give all their classes, courses, workshops and PT’s under the sun. Jasmin explains, “Our clients continue to train throughout the summer because they don’t have to go indoors when the summer sun shines and you just want to be out, they love it!” And believe me, the warm summer sun is a commodity in short supply here in Sweden, so I can certainly relate to their predicament.

And while that level of commitment is impressive, they really get the gold star for originality with this one…Each month they choose a new artist to exhibit their work in the studio, ranging from paintings, sculptures, and ceramics to photography and even sound installations.

“It’s a way for us to keep the studio alive and give our members something to reflect on, or just to enjoy the before, during and after of their Pilates workout. Even for the artists, it’s a unique opportunity to display their art in a different context than in traditional galleries which has been greatly appreciated.”

Jasmin and Linda met in Cairo in 1998 while working as dancers; they hit it off immediately and have been sharing their passion for Pilates with their clients since 2005.  Having been introduced to the method during their respective professional educations in ballet and the performing arts, it was the feeling of strength and balance after a workout, along with the great increase in body awareness that drew them to pursue it as a career.

Linda says, “Before I discovered the Pilates method I just mimicked the movements given in choreography without really knowing where the power or the direction of the movement came from.   With Pilates, a whole new dimension opened up for me, it fascinated me.”

We look forward to seeing more from “Pilates Complete” in the future and wish them the best of luck in their endeavors.

Want to learn more about Jasmin and Linda?  Well that’s easy, just click here!

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