A Pilates Documentary – by Mark Pedri and Carrie McCarthy

Why isn’t there a film about Pilates? Sure, there have been films about people who do Pilates, but there isn’t a movie that is purely dedicated to the work created by Joseph H. Pilates. Why not? Filmmaker, Mark Pedri found himself asking this exact question after a friend introduced him […]

Personal Profile – Master Teacher Kathy Corey

Sure, we all know that Pilates is a great rehabilitative activity, and a top notch fitness form. But I think we can agree that Pilates is above all else is an art form, otherwise, why the great passion?  I am pleased to introduce a lady who is a champion of […]

Coming of Age – by Jehane Lindley

Beginning to teach Pilates is an experience I would acquit to being adolescent. Not in the hormonal or rebellious way but in a way that begs an answer to the question, ‘Who Am I?’ Now before you make any wise cracks, I’m aware adolescence is not so far in my […]

Teaching Topic – Working Symmetrically

“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.”  – H. L. Mencken This week I thought I’d take up a subject that is close to my heart, one that I’ve been looking into for some time now in both myself and my clients. And that […]