Issue #375 – Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Get Up Off The Floor! – # 3

Simple (and at the same time NOT)

Move Up and Down

by Brett Miller

As I mentioned in Get Up Off The Floor! Part # 1 AND Part #2, I think that one of the most important skills to have in life is the ability to get up from sitting on the floor to standing without any help from the hands. Let me know if you missed it and need a copy. I also referenced Claudio Gil Araujo’s ‘Sitting-Rising Test’ to reinforce my vision.

So let’s start work on step #3 – which entails simply moving up and down!!

We start the exercise standing with a the same support we learned about in step #2.

So here I am with a lift in the center that supports my spine and my head is balanced at the top

Please understand I am not standing in a position where I’m having my back straight.

Not at all……instead I am standing with a lift, and stretched legs – just like in Step #2 Single Leg Kick!

And the reset is quite simple.

But it’s not simple.

Except that it is….

I maintain the supported long vertical spine and use my strong legs to move it up and down.

Stay supported and relaxed.

You see, that was quite simple but even simplicity can be hard to come to and we can also deepen into simplicity for the rest of our lives.

I encourage you to think about it that way.

Brett Miller is the founder of Pilates Intel, he started his professional life in the world of ballet, working with various companies in the US.  Later on he moved to New York and branched out into modern along with the ballet. Since then, he has lived in Finland and now in Stockholm Sweden.
Brett became a Pilates instructor in 2005 and has been teaching ever since.  The intelligent technique that Pilates is, and the chance to continue to be physical, attracted him to this field after being so long in the dance world.  Along with teaching Pilates and publishing Pilates Intel, Brett is a software developer for Ericsson.