March 27, 2019

 Cracking the Code

by Clare Dunphy-Hemani

Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate Pilates as a lifestyle choice – providing an opportunity to meet ourselves in the moment and reconnect with our inner energy, life force and commitment to our well-being. And I find that difficult to explain or describe what it is and how it feels to me. I hope this article captures the feeling and give some thoughts on how to lead our students into the space where they can share that experience.

Here’s a simplified way I have found helpful to break it down. Start with the groundwork by always building our sessions from a simple foundation –the ABCs of all good movement: Alignment, Breathing, and Conscious Awareness (movement with purpose). Then weave those qualities into each session with a balance of fun, humor and discipline. I like to view Pilates as a form of recreation or “re-creation”. A time to re-create ourselves and get a break from the routine stressors of our lives. I strongly believe that it’s through re-creation that we keep our inner spark alive. I also like to capitalize on spontaneous moments that might trigger a laugh, a flash of inspiration, or an ah-ha experience and not let them whoosh by.

Regardless of your teaching experience or background, helping others keep their SPARK. alive and thriving, attracts them back to you and to their Pilates. Because at the end of the day, we can’t really “teach” anyone Pilates, we can only guide them to finding it (and the rest of the goodies that come with it) for themselves. And once they “get” it, they’re usually hooked for life. Here’s what SPARK means to me.

S: Self-discovery (being inspired, taking risks, trying new things)

P: Passion (igniting the imagination, awakening the senses)

A: Accountability (taking responsibility for one’s health in body, mind & spirit)

R: Recreate (keeping fitness fun, fulfilling and playful)

K: Karma (keeping ourselves fit and healthy to have more to give back to our family, friends, community and work)

Did you know that many studies suggest that more than 60% of communication is conveyed not by our words, but by our tone of voice and body language? This means our non-verbal communication is very powerful! Our body language, facial expression and intention (all offered with positive cueing, being in the present moment, and capitalizing on opportunities) can turn a regular moment into a magical moment. Hold the possibility open for clients to do their best each day, to reach just a little further than they thought they could. Hold the belief that they can do it and never allow negativity, self-doubt or the word “can’t” to be part of the experience.Come with me on a short alpine experience….

Imagine we’re skiing down a mountain in a ski lesson. We both agree that our goal is to go down to the bottom, right? Our ski teacher explains that we must lean into the place we’re going (which is down the mountain) and not to lean away from where we want to go. That’s logical, right? Yet it can be scary to lean down the mountain, it feel counter-intuitive. It requires us to trust ourselves, our equipment, our teacher and often to take the risk try something new and different. It’s not that we don’t want to, it’s just that our minds can get in the way. We might feel fearful of the unknown and yet it’s hard for us to understand that on the other side of fear is well… often nothing horrible, maybe something wonderful. It’s about our mind set. So actually, the most valuable real estate in the world is the 6 inches between our ears! We aren’t our own worst enemy, we are our only enemy and far too often we are really hard on ourselves. When we recognize this is true for most people, then we can be that positive voice for our clients until they adopt that positivity and own it for themselves.

Supportive and encouraging words go far to create a bond with our students. Be that person. Step into the shoes that set you apart. Be clear and confident to express how Pilates feels in your body and about the positive experience, feeling and end result we experience. Be in the moment, be present enough to check in with the individual or class and regroup when needed to pull it all back together. From time to time, we all need to be pulled back to our center, our midline, our rhythm and flow, so we aren’t flailing about but in dynamic flow…in freedom of movement, with the musicality of the movement, without fighting the apparatus or gravity. The feeling of being in the life flow, in the life rhythm, and in the breath is exhilarating and powerful and it’s here for all of us. And the best part about our relationship with Pilates is that is can always grow, expand and deepen. I hope your Pilates journey reveals the wonders of the work to you.

Thanks for letting me share
bw headshot 2Clare Dunphy Hemani is the founder of Progressive Bodyworks, based in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Her roots in the field of human movement began at Northeastern University where she earned a BS in Physical Education in 1985, and holds certifications from PMA, ACE, and Romana Kryzanowska (now known as The New York Pilates Studio Teacher Training Program). In 1995, Clare began her Pilates studies under Romana Kryzanowska (first generation Master Teacher) and has since studied with several other teachers. Clare is a presenter on and . Clare hosts two free video channels on for students and teachers interested in supplemental learning to keep the work vibrant in their practice. As co-author of the Peak Pilates Comprehensive Education Program, she mentored scores of teachers and teacher trainers between 2001-2013. Clare’s studio is a unique space where students and teachers around the world come to hone their technique and study the art of teaching. Committed to preserving the authenticity and tradition of Pilates, her approach is refreshing, energetic and supportive. Clare is excited to bring her talents her latest project , an audio program designed for students, teachers, and studios. Clare’s gift is her willingness to share knowledge generously and her ability to explain concepts in simple, clear ways. Her mission is to support the potential in all students/teachers and to keep the spirit of Joe and Romana alive in her work. Follow Clare at and on Facebook and Instagram.