
The ambition of Pilates Intel

Welcome, welcome, WELCOME you  to the very first edition of Pilates Intel , the newsletter advocating a global community of Pilates instructors.  I thought I would make the very first letter about what this newsletter is about, who I am and what my ambitions are for this venture, which I have been working hard to get together the past few months.

First and foremost, I would like this newsletter to build an international community of primarily Pilates Instructors in order to share ideas and gain knowledge from each other.  Most importantly, I hope that this community will transcend all of the individual Pilates methods, because I am sure that each and every one has something valuable to offer.  Such an inbox newsletter I believe is completely unique.

Even though this newsletter will always have the global community of Pilates instructors as its main advocacy, EVERYONE is of course welcome and encouraged to partake in any benefits they might derive.  I can think that other types of fitness instructors and those who just love Pilates will be enriched by the knowledge we can generate here together.

I have in mind that Pilates Intel will arrive in your inbox every 2 weeks and it will be short in nature so that you can come in, read the content in 5 – 10 minutes or less.  Then you are out and then move on with your busy schedule.

Every issue of the newsletter will be published on the website www.Pilates Intel.com, and there I encourage you to leave comments on the articles, so that a conversation can take place.  Because that, don’t you think?? is the most important part of benefitting from this newsletter, that we all communicate and share our points of view on all of the different aspects we face as Pilates instructors.

To get the ball rolling, it is I who will be writing this newsletter on various topics that I find remarkable enough to share with you in the community.  But soon, hopefully VERY soon, it is intended that others will want to join and share their knowledge as well, submitting articles to me that are important to you, and I then will publish them in this newletter (in fact, I already have a guest writer for the third edition!!).

And now you say…..But Brett, at the beginning of the letter you said that you would say a little about who you are….please get on with that, I AM DYING TO KNOW!!

Well thank you, I am glad you mentioned it. I have been waiting for the moment when I could speak about myself. (I have to be careful not to do that too much, some people never learn ;-D)

Very shortly, I have been a certified Pilates instructor for almost 7 years now, and I am based in Stockholm.  What inspires me most in life is the beautiful richness and complexity of the human being; I am at times awed by its magnificence.

And therein lays the attraction I have to Pilates, because the intelligence and completeness of the technique gives the potential to to deepen into that vast greatness that the human being is.  It is also a passion of mine not only to teach fitness, but to encourage my clients to go beyond the exercises and to perceive for themselves the very depth I am writing about now.

And I know that you know……this is an art that is not easy.

This subject alone is broad enough for many editions of Pilates Intel going forward…and I promised to keep this short, so I leave it there…..for now.

I have many competent and knowledgeable colleagues here in Stockholm at the studio where I work, and I continuously learn from them.  And I love it when I get a chance to attend workshops where one has contact with instructors from different backgrounds and geographic areas; I am ALWAYS given a new way of looking at things.  This in turn enriches my ability to work on seeing more the depth of my own being, as well as conveying more clearly this potential to clients.

Sadly, as I can guess is true for you, I do not get much chance to travel out and have contact.  Of course there is helpful material from experts, but I yearn for contact with a broader reach of persons. Do you?  This newsletter certainly does not take the place of personal contact, but it hopefully fills a niche where we can communicate, learn, and be enriched more frequently at a broader level.

This edition is ending shortly…..I promised it would be, and plan to fulfill that promise.

But please, help me out from the beginning to get Pilates Intel rolling, there are three things that I would like to ask that you do:

1.  Please pass the word along to your colleagues, and anyone else who might be interest, that this newsletter exists.  Please ask them to go to www.Pilates Intel.com and sign up for the letter.

2. Go to www.Pilates Intel.com, where there is a copy of this edition of Pilates Intel, and there at the bottom you can LIKE this article on Facebook, showing all of your friends that this newsletter now exists.

3. At the website you also have the opportunity to enter comments.  Please take the chance to do so, to give me an idea of that which you would like to see…..and to get the conversation within this growing community flowing.

Thank you for reading the first edition of Pilates Intel, and make it a great teaching week.

See you in your inbox in a few weeks, where I will have an article about working with the body symmetrically, along with some news from the worldwide Pilates community.

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